Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I wonder why ice cream for breakfast is so good

Haagen Dazs Green Tea

Maybe its cause it has 17g of fat. haagen dazs Green Tea ice cream is one of the very few brands that do green tea ice cream well. (I think they're the only one.) The second would be people who make it at home. (Unless you're an american restaurant who things they're trying to be fusion. I'm definitely not pointing at General Greene.)

Breakfast was supposed to be healthy. I started with a banana, then kiwi, then corn, then 1/2 a pint of ice cream, then a kiwi again. I like greens and yellows. What can I say? I'm trying to compensate for the black and blue thats going on in my toe.

BTW: I made lentils the other day and it made me full.

Though please catch this thought train: lentils - long shelf span = is that sweet potato in my fridge still edigle?

So I stumbled on to a site that lists the shelf span of basic american grocery food. In these "organic" days, its scary to notice how some foods last so long. Btw, it did not answer my question about my sweet potato.


The flu season peaked in last week for me and is dying down a little. However, I've still got a couple of the sneezes. (not sniffles). I do enjoy theraflu as my remedy. The kind that you can pour hot water on and enjoy as a drink. Though, I thought tylenol itself is a miracle when I first came to america. I have a few friends that dont believe in medicine. The sucky part about that is, you'll have to wait till the sickness is full blown in your body and you cant prevent it earlier.

i think that, if you have the free time to get sick, go for natural. Otherwise, if you have no time to get sick, take some medicine.


My friend and I went to La Bergamote of Chelsea. This bakery has happy reviews of pastries and almond croissants (which is one of my obsessions.) Though, I feel a bit sad as oen of the waitress is not only bitchy but also, doesnt describe the product very well. But worry not, she's not bitchy to everyone. She's only bitchy to girls. She was pretty nice to guys. (even if they're obviously gay. I dont know what her angle is.)

Pistachio and Hazelnut mousse cake

IF ONE CAN LOOK CLOSELY: it is not just "a mousse cake." (She said there were no layers). However, I would describe this as: A layer of hazelnut mousse, topped with a thin layer of pistachio cake, topped with another layer of pistachio mousse, wrapped with a thin layer of pistachio cake. There are particles so its not a perfectly smooth mousse. (Which I like.) I was hesitant to buy it because it was 6 dollars of mousse. For me, mousse is essentially flavored whip cream, which is not that appetizing. I'm a fan of variety and textures.

I like my nuts. (tee-hee.) ANYWAY, I bought it because I like nuts and not mousse. I also wasnt letting her anal attitude ruin my diabetic experience. IT WAS: 3.5. It was oh-kay. Would I buy it again? No. Did I regret it? No. It wasnt that disappointing.

Though I do love the french for their pastries, I feel like america hasnt captured my favorite french pastries quite well. For example, I love almond croissants. However, I have tried a many almond croissants but havent found the perfect one yet. I have not been to france but I keep hearing that there is no equivalent else where.

For that cake to be 6 bucks, its kind of understandable. I would say 5 bucks is more like it. 6... is a bit much. (and I'm from a 3rd world country, so these prices are insane to me.)

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