Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I hate existentialism. It's not my shtick to be honest. I like going one level in but not all the way. (This is why I am shallow. Its comforting to be in the box.)

I just dislike the times when the work cant just speak for itself, and I have to make up... SOMETHING to make it make sense. It doesnt have to make sense.

I've been thinking about the suggested direction, making things isnt hard but making an elaborated explanation for things is hard (for me). I remember in class we were all discussing that we should all play our strengths.

Well, philosophy isnt one of them. If I have no strengths (almost literally "nothing" to offer),then what can I do?

/ Why didnt I go into accounting? shoot me.... Well, if i switch into graphic design... I'll stay an extra year... but at least I'll get a job from it. =_=; /

I think what I dont like about existentialism is that its trying to make Nothing into Something, when it is not really Something but just something. What's the point? There is no point. This is why I am not a fine artist. But honestly, I want to do as less coding as possible. (Important fact!)

1 comment:

  1. Existentialism is whiny.
    See, it's making you whine.
    bad badd!

